

词汇 impel
释义 im.pel[ɪm`pɛl; imˈpel]《源自拉丁文“塞入里面”的意思》及物动词(im.pelled; im.pel.ling)
1 a. < 思想、感情等> 驱使< 人> [to]
(→ compel 【同义字】)
He was ~led by strong passion.他被强烈情感所驱使
Hunger impelled him to crime.饥饿迫使他犯罪
b. < 思想、感情等> 迫使 [促使] < 人> …_ (force)
What motives impelled him to do so ?.是什么动机迫使他这么做?
2 推进, 推动, 驱使…
The strong wind impelled their boat to shore.强风把他们的船吹到岸边
The prisoners were impelled forward by the butt ends of the soldiers' rifles.俘虏们被士兵们用来福枪的枪托推著向前走




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