

词汇 order
释义 or.der[`ɔrdɚ; ˈɔ:də]《源自拉丁文“队伍, 排列”的意思》名词A
1 (U)
a. 顺序, 次序
in the ~ named依照所提的顺序
take things in ~按顺序处理事情
Then comes B, C, and D in that ~.然后是 B, C, D, 按顺序排列
in alphabetical [chronological] ~按照英文字母 [年代] 的排列顺序
in ~ of age [importance, size]依照年龄 [重要性, 大小] 的顺序
b.‘文法’字的排列次序, 字序 (word order)
2 (U)
a. 整理, 整顿, 排列
draw (up) in ~排队
draw up pupils in ~使学生排队
keep things in ~把东西整理好
put [set] a room in ~整理房间
→ set[put]one's HOUSE in order
put one's ideas into ~理一理自己的思绪
b. 正常 [健全] 的状态, 常态→ out of ORDER.c. 状态, 情况
Affairs are in good [bad] ~.事情的情况良好[不好]
The books arrived in good ~.书籍寄到时完整无损
3 a. (U) (社会的) 秩序, 治安
(←→ disorder)
a breach of ~秩序的紊乱 [破坏]
law and ~法律与秩序, 治安
keep [preserve, maintain] ~维持[遵守]秩序
b. (C)体制, 制度
an old [a new] ~旧 [新] 制度
c. (U) (自然的) 法则, 定则, 秩序
the ~ of nature [things]自然界 [万物] 的法则
4 (C)
a. [常 ~s]阶级; 身分
the higher [lower] ~s上流 [下层] 社会
the social ~社会的阶层
all ~s and degrees of men各阶层的人
b. 等级; 种类 (kind)
intellectual ability of a high~高度 [卓越] 的智能
a different ~ of ideas不同种类的观念
The magazine is of the same ~ as Playboy.该杂志与“花花公子”同类
The beauty of Mt. Fuji is of a majestic ~.富士山之美显得雄伟壮丽
→ on the ORDER of.c.‘生物’ (动植物分类上的) 目(cf. classificati on 1b)
5 a. [~s]圣职, 神职
take ~s担任神职, 当牧师
→ holy orders-His brother is in ~s.
b. (C)[常 ~s]神职的任命; ‘天主教’神职地位[职位] (的授与仪式)
a. (天主教等的) 修道会
a monastic ~修道会
b. [常 O~]…修道会[of]
the ~ of Benedictines
= the Benedictine ~ 圣本笃 (修道) 会
c. (英) (中世纪的) 骑士团; (现代的) 勋爵士团(cf. knighthood)d. (私人的) 友好组织, 结社
7 a.(C) (宗教的) 仪式
the O~ of Holy Baptism洗礼仪式
the O~ for the Burial of the Dead葬礼
b.(U) (议会、会议等的) 议事程序, 议事规则 (的遵守)
call a speaker to ~ < 议长> 请发言者停止违反议事规则
call a meeting to ~宣布开会
8[常 O~](C)(英)勋章, 勋位
the O~ of Merit功绩勋章 [勋位]
(颁发给二十四名对文武方面有功绩的一种荣誉勋位, 略作 O.M.)
the O~ of the Garter嘉德勋章 [勋位]
(勋爵士 (knight) 的最高勋位; 限颁给二十四名)
a. 队形
battle ~战斗队形
in close [open] ~以密集 [散开] 队形
b. (特定场合使用的) 军装, 装备
in parade [fighting] ~穿著阅兵式 [战斗] 用军装
10(C)‘建筑’柱式, 式样
→ CORINTHIAN order, DORIC order, IONIC order, COMPOSITE order.
11 (U)‘数学’次数; 位数; (微分方程式的) 阶数
1 [常 ~s]
a. 命令, 指令; (医师等的) 指示
obey the doctor's ~s遵从医师的指示
give [issue] ~s下令
take ~s from a person [a person's ~s]接受某人的指示
My ~s were to start at once.我接到的命令是立刻出发
We are under ~s for the front.我们奉命赴前线
We are under the ~s of the boss.我们受上司的指挥
We did it on his ~s [on the ~s of him].我们奉他之命做那件事
Orders are ~s.命令就是命令
It's [This is, That's] an ~.那是命令
(下令后的叮咛说法)b. 命令, 指令
give ~s to march on下令继续进军
c. 发出命令, 指令
He gave ~s for a salute to be fired.他下令鸣放礼炮
d. 命令, 指令
He gave ~s that a salute (should) be fired.他下令鸣放礼炮
2 (C)
a. 订货 (单) [for]
give an ~ for an article订购某物品
place an ~ with a person [company]
for an article向某人[公司]订购某物品
send for ~s派人去接订单
a large ~大量订购
→ to ORDER.b. (在餐厅) 点叫 (的菜) (一人份)[of]
two ~s of French fries两份炸马铃薯条
The waiter took our ~s.服务生接受了我们点的菜
Can I have your ~, sir?.先生, 请问要点什么菜?
3 (C)汇票
→ money order, POSTALorder.
by order of﹍奉…的命令
come to order(美) (停止说话等) 安静下来
Will everyone please come to ~ ?.请大家安静; 请肃静
in order (←→ out of order)
(1) → A 1 a
(2) → A 2 a
(3) → A 2 c
(4) 符合 (议事) 规则的; 合法的
His passport is in ~.他的护照是合法的
(5) 适宜的; 理想的; 必要的
A word here may be in ~.在这里说一句话是适宜 [必要] 的吧
in order for﹍ to do
为了< 人、物> 而做…
Stone implements had to be produced in ~ for man to live.为了使人类得以生活, 必须制造石器
in order that﹍
俾使…, 为了…
We are sending [We sent] our representative in ~ that you may [might] discuss the matter with him.我们正要 [我们已] 派遣代表去, 以便你可以和他讨论该问题
in order to do ﹍
为了…起见, 以便…
She has gone to England in ~ to improve her English.她已经前往英国, 以便提高她的英语水平
In ~ to make this passage clearer, we have to divide it into shorter sentences.为了使这一段的意思更清楚, 我们不得不把它分成若干较短的句子
in short order→ short order of[in]the order of﹍
(英)大约, 大概
a budget of the ~ of five million pounds一笔大约五百万英镑的预算
on order已订购 (货尚未到) , 订购中
on the order of﹍(美)
(1) 属于…的种类, 类吃K, 像…那样的 (like)
a leader on the ~ of F. D. Roosevelt像 F. D. 罗斯福那样的领袖
(2) = of[in]the ORDERof order of the day
(1)[常 the ~] (议会等的) 议事日程
proceed to the ~ of the day进入议事日程
(2)[the ~] (时代的) 潮流, 时尚, 最关心的事
order to view(英) (对售屋的) 预先检查许可
out of order ( ←→ in order)
(1) 顺序混乱
Don't speak out of ~.没有轮到自己该说时不要说
(2) 情形不对, 情况不好; (口语) (身体的一部分) 不舒服
get [go] out of ~坏了, 发生故障, 有毛病
The washing machine is out of ~.洗衣机发生故障了
My stomach is out of ~.我的胃不舒服
(3) 违反议事规则
(4) 不适当, 不妥当 to order
made to ~照订单做的, 定制 (品) 的
(cf. made-to-order)及物动词
1 命令
a. 命令, 指挥
~ an advance [a retreat]命令前进 [撤退]
The chairman ~ed an inquiry.主席下令调查
b. 命令< 某人> …
He ~ed his men to release the prisoner.他命令部下释放那名俘虏
I was ~ed to post the letter at once.我奉命立刻寄出那一封信
She ~ed the key (to be) brought to her.她吩咐把钥匙带来给她
c. 命令
He ~ed that his men (should) release the prisoner.他命令部下释放那名俘虏
The king ~ed that he (should) be banished.国王下令把他放逐
d. 命令< 某人> 去[来]…
The policeman ~ed me back [away].警察命令我后退 [离开]
The regiment was ~ed to the front.该军团奉令开往前线
He was ~ed out of the room.他被命令离开那房间
e. < 医师> 指示< 病人> …; < 医师> 指示… [给病人] [for]
The doctor has ~ed me a change of air = The doctor has ~ed a change of air for me.医师已指示我换换环境(迁地疗养)
2 订购; 点叫
a. 订< 货> , 点 < 菜等>
~ a beefsteak [two coffees]点[叫]一道牛排 [两杯咖啡]
b. [向…]订购…[from]
I will ~ some new books from England.我要向英国订购一些新书
c. 为< 某人> 订购< 物品> ; 订购< 物品> [给某人][for]
She ~ed her daughter a new dress. = She ~ed a new dress for her daughter.她为女儿订购了一件新衣
She ~ed herself a new dress.她为自己订购了一件新衣
3 a. < 上帝、命运等> 注定
b. 注定< 要…>
4 整理, 处理
1 命令
2 订购 order about[around] (下种种命令) 驱使, 指使< 人> 做这做那
He likes to ~ people around.他喜欢差使人
Order arms!.(口令)持枪立正!




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