

词汇 drive
释义 drive[draɪv; draiv](drove[drov; drouv]; driv.en[`drvn; 'drivn])及物动词A
1 驾驶
a. 驾驶< 汽车等> ; 驾御 < 马车> , 驱, 赶
~ a taxi [a truck]驾驶计程车 [货车]
He drove his car with caution.他小心翼翼地驾车
b. 驱 < 马车、马> , 赶 < 拖货的马 [牛] 等> , 驾御c. 用车子载[送]< 人>
I will ~ you home.我会开车送你回家
2 < 蒸气、电气等> 使< 机器> 转动, 驱动
Water ~s the mill.水使 (水力) 磨粉机转动
The machine is driven by electricity [compressed air].那部机器是用电力 [压缩空气] 驱动的
1 驱策
a. < 人> 追逐 < 鸟兽、人等> (到…) ; 追赶
D~ the dog away.把那条狗赶走
He drove the cattle to the fields.他把牛赶到田野里去
They drove the sheep in.他们把羊赶进去
She drove them back.她把他们赶回去
~ a person into a corner
→ corner n. 4.b. 把< 敌人等> [从…]驱逐 [from, out of]
They drove the enemy from the country.他们把敌人驱逐出境
c. (代) 名] 驱使< 人> [至 [陷入] …状态] , 逼迫< 人> [至…] [to, into, out of]
His wife's death drove him to despair.他妻子的去世使他陷入绝望
That drove her out of her senses.那件事使她发疯
d. 驱策< 人> < 使做…> , 迫使< 人> < 不得不做…>
Hunger drove him to steal.饥饿驱使他去偷窃
I was driven to resign.我被迫辞职
e. 使< 人> < 成…的状态> , 迫使
That girl almost ~s me crazy.那个女孩几乎迫使我发狂
The terrible news drove him mad.那个可怕的消息使他狂怒 [发狂]
2 < 风> 把…吹 (到…) , < 水> 把…冲 (到…)
The gale drove the ship on to the rocks.狂风把那艘船吹到岩礁上
The wind drove the rain against the windowpanes.风吹使雨点打在窗玻璃上
3 a. 把 < 铁钉、木桩等> 打入; 把…敲进
D~ the nails home [into the plank].把钉子完全敲进去 [敲入厚板中]
~ a lesson into a person's head把教训灌进某人的脑子里 [使人铭记教训]
b. 挖 < 隧道、井等> , 使 < 铁路> 贯穿
~ a tunnel through a hill挖隧道通过小山
~ a tunnel under a river [the sea]在河[海]底下挖隧道
~ a railway across [through] a desert铺设一条越过沙漠的铁路
4 任意驱使< 人> , 待< 人> 苛酷; 严格训练
~ workers hard苛待工人
5 a. 经营< 生意等> , 从事 < 买卖>
~ a roaring trade生意兴隆
b. 决定 < 交易等>
~ a good bargain做一笔有利的交易
→ drive a hard BARGAIN.
6 a.‘高尔夫’用力击< 球> , 强打
(尤指用发球杆 (driver) 用力击球; cf. driver 3)b.‘网球’抽击< 球> , 发 < 急球> c.‘棒球’ (以安打、牺牲打) 使 < 跑者> 跑垒; 得< 分> < in> 不及物动词
1 a. 驾车, 开车
She ~s very cautiously.她很小心地开车
b. 开车
Shall we walk or ~?.我们走路去还是开车去?
We are just driving through.我们只是开车经过
She got into her car and drove off.她坐进车内, 开车离去
He drove right up to the front door.他把车子直开到正门前
c. < 车子> 开起来 (…)
This car ~s well [easily].这部车子好 [容易] 开
2 < 车子、船等> 疾驶; < 云> (被风吹得) 疾驰
Motorcars were driving along the road.汽车在路上奔驰
The ship drove on the rocks.那艘船撞到了岩礁
The clouds drove before the wind.云乘风疾驰
3 < 雨> 猛烈地打[在…] [in, against]
The rain drove in his face [against the window].雨猛打在他的脸 [窗子] 上
4 , 打算做 [?[…][at]
I wonder what he is driving at.我不知道他想要说什么 [用意何在]
5‘高尔夫’把球自球座 (tee) 用力击出, 打远球 drive off(1) 驱逐, 赶走, 击退
(2) → v.i. 1 b
(3)‘高尔夫’从球座击出球 drive up
(1) 抬高< 物价等>
(2) → v.i. 1 b let drive at
瞄准投出 [击出, 射出]
He let ~ at me with his fist.他用拳头打我
1 (C)驱车, 开车旅行 [出游]
take [go for] a ~驾车出游
take a person for a ~带某人驾车出游
2 (C)
a. (英) (通往宅邸的) 私用车道, 车道( (美)driveway)b. (公园内 [森林中] 的) 车道; 马路c. [常 D~, 用作地名] 街道
3 (C) (开车、坐马车去的) 车程
It is a long ~ from New York to Boston.从纽约到波士顿有一段长车程 [要开很久的车]
The village [town] was an hour's ~ outside the city.该村[镇]在一小时车程的市郊处
4 (C) (对猎物的) 追逐; (对牛、羊等畜群的) 驱赶
a cattle ~赶牛群
5 a. (U) (进行工作的) 魄力, 精力, 干劲
a man with great ~充满干劲 [魄力] 的人
He has a lot of ~ in him.他很有干劲
b.‘心理’ (人与生俱来的) 冲动, 本能的需求, 驱策力
the sex ~性的驱策力
Hunger is a strong ~ to action.饥饿是人行动的强烈驱策力
a. [筹募慈善捐款等的] 活动, 宣传[for]
a Red Cross (fund) ~红十字会募捐活动
a ~ for funds资金筹募活动
b. < 做…的> 活动, 运动
a ~ to raise funds募款活动
7(C) (对敌阵的) 进击, 攻势, 攻击
8 (高尔夫、网球等的) 长打, 用力打
a. (汽车的) 驱动装置
This car has (a) front = wheel ~.这部汽车有前轮驱动装置
b.‘机械’ (动力的) 传动
a gear ~齿轮传动
10(U)‘汽车’ (自动变速车之变速杆的) 推动位置
(略作 D)
11 (C)(英)‘纸牌戏’比赛,
竞赛, …比赛
a bridge ~桥牌比赛




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