

词汇 drink
释义 drink[drɪŋk; driŋk](drank[drk; drk]; drunk[drk; drk], (古.美口语)drank)及物动词
1 饮, 喝
a. 喝< 液体> , 喝完 < 一杯> , 乾 < 杯> < down, off, up>
One must ~ water in order to stay alive.人为了维持生命必须饮水
~ the cup of joy [sorrow, pain]享尽欢乐 [尝尽悲伤, 痛苦]
He drank off all my best wine.他把我最好的酒全喝光了
D it up. It'll be good for you.把它喝完, 它对你 (的身体) 有益
b. 将< 饮料> < 以…状态> 喝
~ milk hot把牛奶趁热喝了
c. [补语用 dry] 饮乾 < 容器中饮料>
~ a cup dry饮乾杯中的饮料, 乾杯
2 a. 喝酒花掉 < 薪水等> , 把 < 薪水等> 花在喝酒上< away>
He drank all his earnings.他把赚的钱全喝掉了
b. 喝酒消磨< 时间> < away>
They drank the night away.他们喝酒消磨了那个晚上 [他们一夜喝到天亮]
c. 喝酒解 < 忧> < away>
~ one's troubles away以喝酒解烦
3 a. [~ oneself]喝到[…状态][to, into]
He drank himself to death [into a stupor].他喝酒喝到死 [不省人事]
b. [~ oneself]喝酒而失去[…][out of]
You will ~ yourself out of your job.你会因喝酒而失去工作
c. [~ oneself]喝成< …状态>
He drank himself asleep.他 (喝酒) 喝得睡著了
4 a. < 为…而> 乾杯
~ a person's health为某人的健康而乾杯
b. 举杯祝[…]…[to]
~ success to a person [an enterprise]举杯祝某人 [事业] 成功
5 a. 把< 空气等> 吸入 [肺中] [into]
~ air (into one's lungs) (喘气时等) 把空气深深吸入 (肺中)
b. 吸收 < 水分> < in>
The dry ground drank in the rain.乾巴巴的土地吸收雨水
1 喝 (饮料)
~ from a fountain喝从喷泉涌出的水
2 (习惯性地) 大喝
~ hard [deep, heavily]痛饮, 豪饮, 酗酒
→ drink like a FISH
He ~s too much.他喝酒过多
He smokes, but doesn't ~.他吸烟, 但不喝酒
3 [为…而]乾杯, 举杯[to]
~ to a person's health [success]祝 [祈求] 某人的健康 [成功] 而乾杯
drink in
(1) → v.t. 5 b
(2) 对…听得入神; 对…看得出神
The traveler drank in the beauty of the scene.那位旅客对那美景看得出神 [那位旅客陶醉于那美景之中]
drink a person under the table
(比赛酒量等) 使对方醉倒
1 (U) 饮料
food and ~食物与饮料, 饮食
bottled ~s (啤酒、汽水等) 瓶装饮料
make a ~做 (鸡尾酒等) 饮料
soft ~s
→ soft 10b
They only serve ~s at the pub.那家酒馆只供应饮料
2 (C) (饮料, 尤指酒的) 一杯, 一口, 一饮
a ~ of water [milk]一杯水 [牛奶]
drink at [in] one ~一口喝下
have [take] a ~喝一杯
3 (U)酒类; 饮酒, 大喝, 酗酒
be fond of ~爱喝酒, 嗜酒
be in ~ =be the worse for ~醉酒的
be given [addicted] to ~纵酒, 酗酒
take to ~嗜酒, 喝酒上瘾
4 [the ~](口语)一大片水, 海洋
hit the ~坠入海中




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