

词汇 draw
释义 draw[drɔ; drɔ:](drew[dru; dru:]; drawn[drn; dr:n])及物动词A
1 拉, 拖
(→ pull 【同义字】)a. 拉, 牵引< 东西>
~ a cart拉马车
~ a net拉网
b. 把< 东西> 拉 (往某方向)
He drew the blanket over his head.他拉毯子盖住头
He drew me aside. (为了说悄悄话) 他把我拉到一旁
He drew out a chair and seated himself.他拉出一把椅子坐了下来
D your chair a little forward [up to the fire].把你的椅子向前拉一点 [拉到火 (炉) 边]
He drew the boat (up) onto the beach.他把小船拉上海滩
c. 张 < 弓> ; 拉紧 < 带子等>
~ a belt tighter把皮带拉紧
He drew his bow to shoot an arrow.他拉弓准备射箭
d. (通常为“关”之意) 把 < 窗帘等> (继续) 拉; 拉下[上]
~ a curtain (across a window)把窗帘拉过去 (遮住窗)
(cf. draw a CURTAIN over)
~ down the blinds拉下百叶窗
e. 把 < (不愿意的) 人> 硬拉入[…][into]
~ a person into a room硬把人拉入房间
~ a person into conversation硬把某人拉入谈话中
2 拉出, 拔出
a. 把< 东西> [从…]拉出, 拔出, 拔取< out> [from, out of]
Will you ~ the nails from this board?.请你把钉子从这块木板上拔出来好吗?
He drew out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket.他从他的裤袋中拉出手帕来
Go to the dentist's to have your tooth drawn.到牙医诊所去拔牙
b. [朝…]拔出 < 刀剑、手枪等> < out> [on, upon](cf. v.i. 4b)
He drew his gun onme.他拔出手枪对著我
c. 取出 < 鸡等> 的内脏
~ a chicken (烹调前) 取出鸡的内脏
d. [从…]抽取< 纸牌> [from]
~ a card from a pack从一副纸牌中抽取一张
e. 抽 < 签> , 抽中 < 彩券>
~ lots抽签
~ the winner抽中奖
3 引出
a. [从…]把 < 水、酒等> 汲取, 将…打上去; 汲出; [从容器中] 倒出< 液体> [from]
~ water from a well从井中把水打上来
~ beer from a cask从桶中汲出啤酒
b. (从容器中) 倒出< 液体> 给< 人> ; (从容器中) 倒出< 液体> [给人][for]
He drew me a glass of beer (from the barrel).他 (从桶中) 倒出一杯啤酒给我
c. [从银行、帐户等] 提< 款> [from, out of]
~ money from a bank从银行提款
d. 支领 < 薪水等>
~ a pension支领养老金
~ a high salary支领高薪
I'm going to ~ my salary.我要去领薪水
e. < 金钱、股票等> 生< 利息>
The money drew a lot of interest in the bank.那笔钱在银行中生了很多利息
f.[从…]引出 < 结论、消息等> ; [从故事] 获得 < 教训> [from, out of]
I drew the information out of him.我从他那里得到这消息
He drew his conclusions from these data.他从这些资料中引出结论
You can ~ a moral from this story.你能从这个故事中得到教训
4 吸引
a. 把 < 注意力、关心等> 吸引[到…], 吸引[…的] < 注意> [to]
His appearance drew all eyes.他的外表吸引了所有人的目光
He drew my attention to this point.他引起我注意这一点
b. 吸引 < 顾客、支持者等> , 招徕…的欢迎
The show drew a great many spectators.那场表演吸引了许多观众
c. 使< 人> 心倾[向某人], 使< 人> 感觉到[…的]魅力[to, toward]
He had certain qualities which drew her tohim.他有某些吸引她的特质
I don't feel drawn toward her.我不觉得她对我有吸引力 [魅力]
5 引起
a. [从…]引出 < 泪、笑、攻击、非难等> , 诱出 [from, out of]
Her fine performance drew enthusiastic applause.她精彩的演出博得了热烈的掌声
Her sad news drew tears from us.她那令人悲痛的消息引起我们落泪
b. [给自身] 招来 < 毁灭等> < down> [on]
He drew (down) ruin on himself.他自招毁灭
6 a. 吸 < 气> < in>
~ (in) a (deep) breath (深深地) 吸气
b. 叹 < 气>
~ a long sigh发出一声长叹
7 使< 比赛> 成和局, 使…不分胜负
The game was drawn.比赛不分胜负 [打成平手]
a drawn game → drawn 2
8 使< 血> 流出
No blood has been drawn yet.还没流过一滴血
9 < 痛苦> 扭曲< 脸>
10< 船> 吃水 < …呎>
The ship ~s 20 feet of water.那艘船吃水二十呎
1 (用铅笔、钢笔、蜡笔、粉笔等) 画线
【同义字】 paint 是用颜料画 write 是写字
a. 画, 描绘 < 图、线> ; 画< 画>
~ a straight line画直线
He drew a picture of her.他画了一张她的像
~ a diagram画图表
→ draw the[a]LINE.b. 给< 某人> 画…; 画…[给某人][for]
I'll ~ you a rough map. = I'll ~ a rough map for you.我会画一张草图给你
c. (用言语) 描述
The characters in this novel are well drawn.这部小说里的人物刻划得很好
2 作 […之间的] < 比较、区别> , 指出 < 类似之处> [between]
~ a distinction (between﹍) 指出 (…之间的) 差异处
~ a parallel (between﹍) 指出 (…之间的) 类似之处
3 a. 制订, 草拟< 文件> < up>
~ (up) a deed [bill]草拟契据 [开立票据]
b. 把< 支票> 开给[某人][on]
~ a check on a person for $10, 000开给某人一张一万美元的支票
1 a. (被吸引似地) 接近, 靠近, 前来[去]; 聚集
~ together for warmth为了取暖而聚集在一起
The train drew slowly into the platform [out of the station].火车慢慢地驶进月台 [驶出火车站]
The bus drew to a halt.那部公共汽车停了下来
D~ near, please.请靠近些
He drew near the fire.他靠近火 (炉) 边
The crowd drew back in alarm.群众惊慌地后退
They drew around [round] the fire.他们围拢在火 (炉) 周围
b. < 时间> 接近
Christmas is ~ing near.耶诞节近了
The day drew to its close.那一天快要结束了
2 < 烟囱、烟斗等> 通风, 通气
This pipe ~s well [badly].这个烟斗畅通 [不畅通]
3 < 戏剧等> 吸引人 (注目) , 叫座
Hamlet at the Old Vic is ~ing well.在老维克 (Old Vic) 剧院演出的“哈姆雷特”很叫座
4 a. 拔出刀剑 [手枪]
b. [朝 [对准] 人] 拔出刀剑 [手枪] [on, upon] (cf.v.t.A 2b)
He drew on me.他对著我拔出枪来
5 < 茶等> 泡出味道
The tea has not drawn well.茶味还没完全泡出来
6 [为决定…而] 抽签[for]
~ for partners抽签决定伙伴
Let's ~ for who will go first.我们抽签决定谁先去
7 < 比赛、胜负> 不分高低, 平手
The teams drew 4 all.两队均以四分打成平手
8 a. [用…]画图, 制图[with]
I can't ~ with this blunt pencil.我无法用这支钝铅笔画图
b. 画图, 制图
She ~s very well for a six (year) old girl.就六岁的女童来说她画得很好
9 利用 [资金等] ; 依赖 [经验、人等] [on, upon]
I'll have to ~ onmy bank account.我将不得不从银行帐户提款
(cf. v.t.A 3c)
~ on one's experience利用某人的经验
draw apart
< 二物> 拉开; 变疏远 draw away
(1) (迅速) 抽回 < 伸出的手等>
(2)[从…]抽身, 离去[from]
She tried to ~ away from him.她试图从他那里抽身离去
(3)(口语) (赛跑等时) 超越[…], [和…] 拉开距离[from]
He quickly drew away from his competitors.他迅速地超越了他的竞争者
draw back
(1) 拉回
~ back the curtain把窗帘拉开
(2) 退后, 退缩
He drew back in alarm.他惊慌地退后
(3) [从企划等] 退出, 缩手不办[from]
It's too late to ~ back from the plan.现在要撤销那计划已为时太晚
draw in
(1) 缩回 < 角、爪等>
(2) → v.t. A 6 a
(3) < 白天> 变短(cf. DRAW out (6)
The days were ~ing in.白天渐渐变短
(4) < 天> 渐渐变黑, 即将日暮
It's still long before the day ~s in.离天黑 (时间) 还很早
(5)< 火车> 驶进月台, 进站
(6) < 车、公共汽车> 靠路边 (停下)
The train drew in and stopped.火车进站而停了下来
draw level (with﹍)
(1) (与…) 成为同等, 扯平
(2) (赛跑时) 追上 (…) , 赶上 (…)
The two boats drew level.那两条小船齐头并排
draw off
(1) 脱去 < 手套、袜子等>
~ one's gloves off脱去手套
(2) 排掉< 水等> , 放乾
(3)‘军’ (基于作战策略而) 使 < (敌) 军队> (暂时 [略微] ) 后退
(4) 引开 < 注意力>
(5)‘军’< 军队> 撤退
The enemy drew off.敌人撤退了
draw on
(1) 戴上 < 手套> , 穿上 < 袜子等>
The lady began to ~ on her white gloves.那位妇人开始戴上她的白手套
(2) 催< 人> (说话等) , 促使< 人> (做…) ; 诱使
His good humor drew me on to speak frankly.他的心情好促使我坦率说话
The boy was drawn on by his ambition.那个男孩为自己的野心所驱策
(3) < 冬天、夜晚> 接近, 挨近, 靠近
Winter is ~ing on.冬天近了
(4) → v.i. 9 draw out
(1) → v.t. A 2 a
(2) 拉长; 打延< 金属> ; 拖长
The author has drawn the story out so much that it is boring in many parts.作者把故事拉得那样长, 以致于有许多部分令人觉得乏味
(3) 拟定, 草拟< 计画>
~ out a scheme拟定一项方案[计画]
(4) 引出 < 能力、特质等> , 使…发展
(5) 诱使< 人> 说出
(6) < 白天> 变长(cf. DRAW in (3)
The days have begun to ~ out.白天已开始变长
draw up
(1) → v.t. A 1 b
(2) → v.t. B 3 a
(3) 使< 军队> 排列
The troops were drawn up for inspection.军队排列整齐准备接受检阅
(4) [draw oneself up] 立直; 坐正; (得意地) 挺胸
(5)< 车子等> 停下来 (stop)
The taxi drew up at the station entrance.计程车在车站门口停下来
1 a. 拉, 拖, 抽
b. (手枪等的) 拔出
quick [fast] on the ~拔枪 (等) 快速
c. 抽签[for]
2 (香烟、烟斗的) 吸一口
3 吸引人的东西, 引诱物, 受欢迎的东西
The new film was a real ~.那部新片真正有号召力 [很叫座]
4 (比赛等的) 不分胜负, 平手
The game ended in [was] a ~.那场比赛以和局结束
5(美) (吊桥的) 开闭部分
(可吊起的部分)(cf. drawbridge)




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