

词汇 conflict
释义 con.flict[`kɑnflɪkt; ˈkɔnflikt]《源自拉丁文“对打”的意思》名词
1 a. (凭藉武力且长时期的) 作战, 争斗, 斗争, 战斗
an armed ~武装斗争
b. (主义、主张上的) 争执, 争议; 争论, 口角
a wordy ~口角, 激烈的争论
a ~ between father and son父子之间的争执
avoid ~ with one's friends避开与朋友们的争执
2 (思想、利害等的) 冲突; 对立, 矛盾, 抵触
a ~ of opinion(s)意见的对立
a ~ between law and compassion法与情间的冲突
3‘心理’冲突, 矛盾
undergo [suffer] a mental ~经历 [忍受] 心理的纠葛, 烦闷
come into conflict (with﹍)
(1) (与…) 战斗
(2) (与…) 冲突; (与…) 矛盾 in conflict (with﹍)
(1) (与…) 战斗的
(2) (与…) 冲突 [矛盾] 的
His statements are in ~ with his actions.他的言论和行动不一致
[kən`flɪkt; kənˈflikt]不及物动词
1 a. < 两件以上的事> 不相容, 矛盾
The two versions of this poem ~.这首诗的两个版本相互矛盾
b. 不相容, 矛盾[with]
Your interests ~ with mine.你的利益和我的冲突
2 争执, 作战[with]




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