

词汇 rub
释义 rub[rʌb; rʌb](rubbed; rub.bing)及物动词
1 摩擦
a. 以手擦 < 物、物之表面> , 摩擦…, 揉…
He ~bed his eyes and yawned.他揉揉眼睛打呵欠
b. 互相摩擦…, 使…相擦, 搓…< together>
He rubbed his hands together.他搓双手
c. 擦< 物> , 擦亮…, 擦拭…, 揩拭…, 磨光…[with]
R~ your feet with the ointment.用软膏擦擦脚吧
d. 擦 [拭] < 物> 使变成< …>
He rubbed himself dry with a towel.他用毛巾擦乾身体
He rubbed a hole in the knees of his trousers.他在裤子的膝盖上磨了一个洞
2 a. [在…上]擦< 身体等> , 摩擦… [against, on, over]
The cat was rubbing itself [its head] against her legs.那只猫在她腿上摩擦身体 [头]
b. [在…]擦 < 蜡等> , 涂…, 抹…, 用力擦入… [on, over, in, into]
~ a lotion into one's face擦化妆水使其渗入脸部
3 a. 将 < 泥等> 擦掉, 擦去, 磨掉< away, off>
~ off the mud把泥巴擦掉
I've rubbed the skin off.我把皮肤擦破了
b. [从…上] 擦掉 < 泥等> , 拭去…, 揩掉…< off> [off, from, out of]
~ the mud off one's shoes擦掉鞋上的泥
~ off the dirt from one's boots从靴上擦掉灰泥
1 a. 擦[到…], 摩擦 [against, on, upon]
The wheel is rubbing against something.车轮擦到某种东西
The cat rubbed against her.那只猫以身体摩擦她
b. 相擦< together>
2 被擦掉< off, out>
Chalk ~s off easily.粉笔容易被擦掉
Ink stains don't ~ out.墨渍擦不掉
rub along
(1) 费力进行, 勉强维持下去
He is rubbing along by doing a part-time job.他靠兼差勉强糊口
(2) 相安无事, 和睦相处
We rubbed along quite well.我们相处得很好
They managed to ~ along together.他们终于和睦相处
rub down
(1) 擦净< 身体> , 擦拭 [乾] …
~ down a horse把马全身擦净
I ~ myself down with a rough towel every morning.我每天早上用粗毛巾擦净身体
(2) 磨平…, 磨光…, 给予…最后的琢磨
She rubbed the chair down with sandpaper.她用沙纸磨光椅子
(3) 擦拭, 擦乾 rub in
将 < 涂敷用药等> 擦入, 涂敷… rub it in(口语)
把教训、别人的失败等 (恶意地) 反覆讲
The situation was embarrassing enough without having you ~ it in.不消你一再讲, 情况已够令人困窘的
All right, all right. There is no need to ~ it in.好啦, 好啦, 不必反覆地唠叨了!
rub off on to [onto] ﹍
(接触而) 移传 [染, 沾] 到…上, 给予…影响
His way of thinking rubbed off onto me.他的想法传染了给我 [我受他的影响也持有他的想法]
rub on
=rub along rub out
(1) 擦掉…, 抹掉…
I rubbed out the pencil marks [my mistakes].我把铅笔笔迹[错误]擦掉
(2)(俚)杀掉, 干掉< 人>
(3) → v.i. 2 rub a person the right way
使< 人> 满意[高兴], 迎合< 人> rub up
(1) 充分地擦…; 擦亮…, 擦净…
Please ~ up these silver spoons.请把这些银汤匙擦乾净
(2) 温习…, 复习…
I must ~ up my Greek.我得重新温习希腊文
(3) 重温< 记忆>
I'll try to ~ up my memory.我将设法回忆起来
rub up against
﹍接触< 人> , 接近 rub a person (up) the wrong way
怒某人, 困扰…, 使…困惑, 使…焦急 (irritate)
1 [a ~]擦, 摩擦
She always gives the plate a good ~.她经常把餐具擦得乾乾净净
2 (C)[the ~]障碍, 困难
There's the ~.难处就在这里了
the ~s and worries of life人生的辛酸
3 (C)伤害感情的事, 指桑骂槐, 挖苦的话




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