

词汇 sail
释义 sail[sel; seil]《源自古英语“被剪下的一块布”的意思》名词(pl. ~s, (义 2) ~)
1 a. (C) (船的) 帆
with all ~s set全帆扬起地 [张帆待航 (地) ]
bend a ~把帆绑在横梁 [支索 (等) ] 上
fill a ~使帆张满
furl a ~收帆, 卷起帆
hoist [haul down, lower] a ~扬[下]帆
b. (U)[集合称] (船的) 帆(一部分或全部)
under full ~张满帆前进中
keep full ~正张满著帆
hoist [carry] ~扬起帆 [正扬著帆]
→ make sail
mend ~重新折叠[卷]帆 [重新调整好帆]
→ set sail
shorten ~收帆减速
strike ~ (遇强风时或表示敬意 [降服之意] 而) 降帆
The ship had all ~ spread.那艘船扬全帆航行
2 (pl. ~) (C)帆船; 船
the days of ~帆船的时代
a fleet of ten ~由十艘船组成的船队
There wasn't a ~ in sight.看不见一艘船
S~ ho!.看到船了!
3 [a ~] (纯粹玩乐的) 扬帆驶船, 航海, 坐船旅行, 航行
a ~ around the world航行世界一周, 坐船环游世界
go for a ~去坐帆船玩, 去扬帆驶船
4 (U) [又作 a ~] 航程
Copenhagen is two days' ~ from here.哥本哈根距离此地要两天的航程
a. 风车的翼b. 旗鱼 (sailfish) 的大背鳍 make sail(1)[朝…]启航[for]
(2) (为增加速度而) 张帆, 增帆急驶 set sail
(1) 扬帆
(2) 启航
set ~ from Keelung for Hong Kong从基隆启航到香港
(3)(口语)出发, 启程 take in sail
(1) 收帆减速
(2) 减少活动, 收敛气焰 [欲望]
take the wind out of a person's sails
[the sails of a person] → wind.
under sail扬著帆; 在航行中
1 a. < 船、人> 扬帆而行, 航海, 航行
The boys are learning to ~.那些男孩子在学习航海 (技术)
The ship ~ed into the harbor [up the Indian Ocean].那艘船驶入港口 [北上印度洋]
We ~ed against [before] the wind.我们逆风 [顺风] 航行
I have never ~ed across the English Channel.我未曾横渡过英吉利海峡
b. (当作运动) 驾驶游艇, 扬帆驶船
go ~ing去扬帆驶船
2 < 船、人> [自…][向…]启航, 出港[from][for]
The ship ~s at eight tomorrow morning.那艘船明天早上八点启航
He ~ed (on the United States) from San Francisco (bound) for Honolulu.他从旧金山乘坐 (美国号) 轮船去檀香山
3 a. < 鸟、鱼、云、飞艇等> (像帆船一样) 飞行, 游泳, 飘浮, 滑行
The cloud ~ed across the sky.云飘过天空
Swans were ~ing gracefully on the lake.天鹅姿势优美地浮游在湖面上
b.< 女子> 脚步轻盈地 [装模作样地] 走
The duchess ~ed into the room.公爵夫人仪态万方地走进房间
4 (口语)
a. 有劲地著手[…][into]
He ~ed into his work [hamburger].他有劲地开始工作 [吃起汉堡]
b. (用话) 抨击, 谴责, 叱责[某人][into]
She ~ed into her children for making too much noise.她叱责孩子们太吵闹
5 a. [考试、议案等] 轻易过关; [困难的工作等] 轻易完成[through]
The bill ~ed through the House almost intact.该法案在众院几乎原案未动 [未加修正] 地轻易通过
b.轻易通过考试等, 轻易克服困难等< through>
Don't worry. You'll just ~ through.别担心, 你会轻易过关的
1 a. < 船、人> 渡< 海> , 航行
He has ~ed the seven seas.他航行过世界七大海洋
b.< 鸟等> 飞渡, 飞翔< 天空>
2 驾驶 < 船、游艇>
He ~ed his yacht out to the island.他驾游艇驶往那个岛
sail in
(1) 进港
(2)(口语)热烈地展开议论 [活动 (等) ] sail near [close to] the wind→ wind




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