

词汇 apprehension
释义 ap.pre.hen.sion[ˌæprɪ`hɛnʃən; ˌæpriˈhenʃn]《apprehend 的名词》名词
1 (U)[又作 ~s]
a. 忧虑, 挂念, 忧惧 [of, for, about]
have some ~(s) of failure有点忧惧失败
a mother's ~ for her son's welfare母亲牵挂儿子幸福的忧虑
There is not the least ~ of her coming.一点都不必担心她会来
b. < …云之> 忧虑, 挂念, 忧惧
She was under the ~ that she would fall back in to poverty.她担心她会重新陷入贫穷的窘境
2 (U) [又作 an ~] (文语)
a. 了解, 理解力
be quick [dull] of ~悟性敏锐 [迟钝] , 理解力强 [弱]
The matter is above my ~.这件事我不能理解
b. 判断, 意见, 见解
in my ~以我的见解; 我以为
3‘法律’捉拿, 逮捕




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