

词汇 point
释义 point[pɔɪnt; pɔint]《源自拉丁文“刺”“尖端”的意思》名词A
1 (C)尖端
a. (武器、工具等的) 尖头[of]
the ~ of a sword [needle]剑尖 [针头]
→ ball-point pen→ at GUNPOINT
come to a ~前端变细尖
b. [身体部位] 突出的前端[of]
the ~ of the jaw颚端
c. [常 P~ 用作地名] 岬, 地角
P~ Conception (在美国加利福尼亚州 (California) 的) 康塞普逊岬
2 (C) (小的) 点
a. 点, 小标记
a ~ of light一小点的光
b. (小数的) 小数点 (decimal point)
two ~ five二点五(2.5)
~ two零点二(0.2)
c. 句点, 句号 (period, full stop)d. (点字的) 点e.‘音乐’附点; 断音符号
3 (表示面、线、时间位置的) 点
a. (C) (空间的) 某一点 [场所, 地点] (spot)
a ~ on a map地图上的一点
a starting ~出发点
visit the ~s of interest in a town参观镇上的名胜
the ~where the two streets cross两条街道的交叉点
→ POINT of view.b. (C)(口语)停车场, 招呼站c. (U) (时间的) 某一点, (特定的) 时刻; (决定性的) 瞬间→ at the POINT of At this ~
he burst out crying在这一瞬间他突然哭出来
when it comes to the ~到了紧要关头时, 说到要点时
d. (C)‘数学’点
a ~ of contact接触点
a ~ of intersection交叉点
4 (C) (程度、进度等的) 点
a. (计量器、刻度等的) 度, 点 (degree)
(the) freezing ~冰点
(the) boiling ~沸点
The temperature has gone up two ~s.温度已上升两度
b. (事态、进展等的) 阶段, 程度 (stage)
up to a (certain) ~到某一点为止
The bag is full to the bursting ~.那个袋子已装得爆满
He is inquisitive to the ~ of rudeness.他的好问已到无礼的程度
5(C) (计算、评价单位的) 点
a. (竞赛等的) 分数, 得分
gain [score, win] a ~得一分
win a game by ten ~s to three以十比三获胜
b. (美) (学科制度上的) 学分(通常以一个学期中每周上课的时数计, 以一小时为一单位)c.‘军’评定勤务成绩的单位, 服役的分数
merit ~s操行分数
6 (成为问题的) 点
a. (C) 有问题 [争执] 之处, 论点[of]:a ~ of conscience 良心的问题
a ~ of honor (有关) 名誉的问题
the ~ at issue (目前) 有问题之处, 争论之点
a debatable ~有争议的地方
You have a ~ there.你说的也有道理
b. [the ~]要点, 著眼点, 旨趣, 重点
the ~ of an argument论据的要点
keep [stick] to the ~不离要点, 不离题
Will you get [come] to the ~?.请 (略去开场白) 说出要点好吗?
What is the ~ of the story?.那个故事的主旨是什么?
The ~ is that we are short of funds.问题是我们短缺资金
That is just the ~.那正是要点
c. (C)成为特徵的特点[地方], 特质
the weakest [strongest] ~ in one's character某人性格上的最弱点 [最长处]
He has some good ~s.他有一些长处
d. (C) (在全体中的) 细节处, 细目, 事项
on this [that] ~关于这[那]一点
→ 21 POINT by point
Are you clear on each ~ of the plan?.你是否清楚该计画的每个项目呢?
7(C)‘航海’方位, 罗经点
(罗盘周围 32 刻度之一 , 两个刻度围成的角度为 11°15')→ the POINTS of the compass.
in 8 ~以八磅因活字, 八磅因活字的
a. (分电盘的) 开关, 接触点b. (英)插座( (美)outlet)
10[~s](英)‘铁路’轨闸, 转辙器( (美)switches)
11 (C)‘猎’ (猎狗) 对猎物方向的指示
(cf. pointer 2)
make [come to] a ~
< 猎狗> 停下来指示猎物的方向
a. (U)攻方三柱门 (wicket) 右方前面的防守位置b. (C)攻方三柱门右方前面的防守人
13 [~s]‘芭蕾舞.舞蹈’ (脚趾) 尖
dance on ~s以趾尖跳舞
1 (U) (行为等的) 目的, 意义, 用处, 必要
There's no ~ [not much ~] in giving him advice.给他劝告没有 [没多大] 用处
I don't see the ~ of [in] letting him go without permission.我看不出来有何必要让他未经许可就去
There's no ~ (in) worrying.担心也没用
What's the ~ of going to college?.上大学有何用?
2 (U)效果, 适切
a speech that lacks ~不适切的演讲, 缺乏效果的演说
→ to the POINT, off the POINT.
3 (C)暗示, 提示[on]
get ~s on passing an exam获得通过考试的秘诀
at all points
无论在那一方面; 在各方面; 完全地, 彻底的 at the point of﹍
濒临…, 就要…的时候, 在…的边缘
The old man was at the ~ of death.那个老人濒临死亡
away from the point
不得要领, (话等) 离题 beside the point
离开本题 [要点]
carry [gain] one's point说服别人接受自己的主张[意见]
give points to a person = give a person points
(在竞赛时) 让分给某人; 强过< 某人> in point
适切的, 恰当的
a case in ~一个适当的例子
in point of﹍
(文语)就…来说, 关于…, 说到…
in point of fact就事实而言, 事实上
In ~ of fact you are wrong.事实上你是错的
make a point of﹍
(1) 必定< 做…> , 一定< 做…>
He made a ~ of never being late.他从未迟到过
(2) 主张…, 强调…, 重视…
Father made a great ~ of our returning home on time.父亲强调我们要准时回家
make it a point to do﹍
必定 [一定] < 做…>
I make it a ~ to shine my shoes every morning.我每天早上必定擦鞋子
make one's point
(在议论等) 赢得他人对自己论点的同意, 证明立论正确; 达到目的
not to put too fine a point on it照实说, 坦白地说, 毫无忌惮地说
off the point离题 (的) , 不得要领 (的)
on a point of order议事程序 [进行上] 的问题
on the point of﹍
(1) 正要…
He was on the ~ of leaving.他正要离开
(2) 濒临…
He was on the ~ of death.他濒临死亡
point by point
一一, 逐一 point for point
逐一 [一一] 比较 point of view
(1) 观点, 见地, 见解
from an educational ~ of view从教育上的观点 (来看)
from the ~ of view of a scientist从科学家的立场 (来说)
(2) (讲述故事等发展时的) 叙事观点
score points [a point] off a person = score a point over a person (在议论中) 驳倒某人 stretch a point
(当作特例) 特别通融 [宽容] the[a]point of no return
(2) 不能再后退的地步 [阶段]
the points of the compass罗盘的三十二个方位
The instructions were precise and to the ~.那些指示准确而扼要
1 a. 把 < 手指 (枪) 等> 指向[…] [at, to, toward]
I ~ed my camera at him.我把照相机朝著他
He ~ed his finger at me.他用手指指著我
b. 指给< 某人> […][to]
He ~ed her to the seat.他?I她入座
2 使…尖 (锐) ; 把…削尖
~ a pencil削尖铅笔
3 a. 加标点于…
b. 给< 数字> 加小数点c.‘音乐’加点 [符] 于…
4 强调 < 忠告、教训等> , 给…增加力量[势力]
5< 猎狗> 指示 < 猎物所在处>
6‘工程’涂灰泥 [水泥] 于 < 砖块等> 的接缝
7 < 舞者等> 踮起 < 脚尖>
1 指著[…], 指出[…] [at, to, toward]
He ~ed to the sails on the horizon.他指著地平线上的帆船
The hands of the clock ~ed to 9 : 15.时针指著九点十五分
A compass needle always ~s to the north.磁针总是指向北方
All the evidence ~s to him as the murderer.一切证据都表明他是杀人凶手
She ~ed at a dark corner of the cave.她指著洞窟黑暗的一角
2 指向 (某方向)
The big signboard ~s south [~s to the south ].那块大告示牌指向南方
3 < 猎狗> 停下来 (以鼻子) 指向猎物的位置 point off以小数点分开< 数字>
point out
P~ out any errors to me.把错误的地方指给我看
He ~ed me out the tower.他指给我看那座塔
(2) 指出< …事>
I ~ed out that the account must be settled at once.我指出该笔帐必须立刻结清
(3) 指出
He ~ed out how important it is to observe law.他指出守法是多么地重要
point up




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