

词汇 gift
释义 gift[gɪft; ɡift]名词
1 (C)
a. 赠品, 赠送品, 礼品, 礼物
Christmas [birthday] ~s耶诞 [生日] 礼物
b. […]所赐之物, 恩惠[of, from]
the ~s of civilization文明的赐予
2 (C)[…之]天赋, 天才, 天资, 才能 [for, of]
a person of many ~s有多种才能的人; 多才多艺者
She has a ~ for painting [languages].她有绘画 [语言] 的天才
He has the ~ of making friends.他有交朋友的才能
3 (C)(口语)特价品; 轻而易举之事
It's a ~.那真是捡到便宜; 这件事很简单
4 (U)(古)赠与; 赠与权
by (free) ~白送地, 免费地
The post is in [with in] his ~.授与这个职位的权限在于他
a gift from the Gods
好运, 天赐之良机 a Greek gift
图谋害人的礼物 as a gift
[通常用于否定句] 白送
I wouldn't have [take] it as a ~.白送我也不要
the gift of (the) gab
(口语)雄辩之才, 口才
He has the ~ of (the) gab.他具有雄辩之才 [他口才很好]
1 赠送< 人> , 授予< 人> [with]
2 赋与< 人> […之性格] [with]




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