

词汇 flame
释义 flame[flem; fleim]《源自拉丁文“燃烧者, 火焰”的意思》名词
1 (U)[常 ~s]火焰
in ~s在火焰中, 燃烧著
burst into ~(s)燃烧起来
commit﹍to the ~s 将…付之一炬, 将…烧掉
2 (C)火焰似的光芒; 光辉
the ~(s) of sunset火红 [火焰似] 的晚霞
3 (C)热情, 情火, 激情
a ~ of anger怒火
fan the ~ (of one's passion)激发热情; 激起思慕之情
4 (C)[常 old ~](口语)情人, 爱人
an old ~ of his他的旧情人
1 发火焰; 燃烧< out, up>
2 a. 火焰似地发出 < 火红的、鲜明的> 光辉 [光芒] ; < 脸> 发红, 变红
The fire ~d bright.火烧得很旺; 火光熊熊
His face ~d (red).他的脸发红
b. [因…而]发出燃烧似的 [火红的] 光辉[with]
Our garden ~s with red tulips.我们的花园被红色郁金香点缀得一片火红
3 a. < 热情、怒火等> 燃起, 升起< out, up>
A hot anger ~d in his heart.他怒火中烧
Her passion ~d out.她的热情被激发起来了
b. [对…]发怒, 发火< up> [at]
He ~d up at the words.他听到那些话勃然大怒
c. [热情、愤怒等] 爆发, 迸发[with]
He ~d with anger.他勃然大怒




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