

词汇 reduce
释义 re.duce[rɪ`dus, -`djus; riˈdju:s]《源自拉丁文“向后引回”的意思》及物动词
1 a. (在大小、数量、程度等方面) 减轻, 减少 < 开支、体重、生产等> ; 减缩, 缩小; 削减
~ expenses削减开支
~ production减低生产
~ one's weight by three pounds将体重减轻三磅
b. 将 < 开支、体重、生产等> [由…]减少[为…], 缩小[from][to]
~ one's weight from 70kg. to 60kg把体重从七十公斤减为六十公斤
2 a. 将< 人的> (地位 [阶级 (等) ] ) 降[为…], 降低[to]
He was ~d to the ranks.他被降为士兵
b. 使< 人> 陷于 [窘困的立场] , 使…沦落为, 把…贬为[to]
He was ~d to poverty.他陷于贫穷
The poor man was ~d to begging.那可怜的人沦落为乞丐
c. 降低< 价格等> ; 将…降低[到…][to]
The price was ~d (to $1000).价格降到一千美元
The camera was ~d to half the original price.那照相机价格降到原价的一半
3 a. 使< 人等> 成为 [某种状态] , 使…恢复成 [原状] ; 强迫…使成 [某种状态] [to]
The police soon ~d the mob to order.警方不久便使暴徒起哄平息下来
The old man was ~d to a skeleton [skin and bones].那老人瘦成骷髅般 [皮包骨]
The girls were ~d to silence [tears].女孩子们终于安静了下来 [禁不住哭了起来]
b. 使< 物> 变形[成…][to]
The clods were ~d to powder.那些土块被捣碎成粉末
c. 将< 物> (加以整理而) 改变 [成为简单的形态] , 简化[to]
~ a statement toits simplest form将某一叙述简化成最简单的形式
~ practice to a set of rules把惯例变成一套规则
These facts can be ~d to three categories.这些事实可以归纳成三类
4 征服 < 城市、堡垒等> , 镇压 ~ a fort 攻下堡垒
a. 使…还原b. 将 < 化合物> 分解[为…][to]
Let's ~ this compound to its elements.我们来把这个化合物分解成元素
6‘数学’将…换算 [通分, 约分]
~ an equation简化方程式
7‘外科’使 < 脱臼等> 复位
1 减少, 缩小
2 (口语) (藉节食等) 减轻体重, 减肥
No more, thanks, I'm reducing.谢谢, 不再吃了, 我在节食 [减肥]




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