

词汇 honor, honour ()
释义 hon.or, hon.our ()[`ɑnɚ; ˈɔnə]《源自拉丁文“名声, 美”的意思》名词
1 (U)
a. (得到社会认同的) 名誉, 荣誉, 面子, 体面, 信用, 名声 :die with ~ on the battlefield 光荣地死在战场上
a point of ~ (若不履行) 攸关体面之事
pledge one's ~以自己的名誉保证
on [upon] one's ~以名誉担保
win ~获得荣誉
save [stain] one's ~保住 [毁损] 名誉
H~ is satisfied. (接受决斗或谢罪而) 保全面子
b. [the ~] (领受上位者的好意, 邀请的一种) 光荣, 特权[of]
I have the ~ of performing before you all.我很荣幸地在各位面前表演
Will you do us the ~ of dining with us next Sunday ?.你能赏光于下星期天与我们共进晚餐吗?
c. < 做…的> 光荣
I have the ~ to inform you that.﹍.谨此奉告…
2 (U)
a. 廉耻心, 荣誉心, 自尊心
a man of ~正直的人
There is ~ among thieves.(谚)盗亦有道
b. (女性的) 贞节
womanly ~贞节
lose one's ~(谑)失去贞操
3 (U)尊敬, 敬意
pay [give] ~ to a﹍ 向…致敬
have [hold] a person in ~尊敬人
4 [an ~] 被引为荣誉 [光荣] 的物[人][to]
He is an ~ to the country [school, family].他是国家 [学校, 家庭] 的光荣;
他为国 [校, 家] 增光
I take your visit as a great ~.您的来访是我莫大的光荣
I think it a great ~ to accept your invitation.我认为能受到您的邀请是我无上的光荣
a. [常 ~s]荣誉奖, 勋章b. [~s]叙勋, 叙位→birthday honours, honours list.
a. 仪式
the last [funeral] ~s葬礼
(full) military ~s军葬礼, (对元首等的) 军礼
b. (主人身分的) 社交上礼仪
do the ~s担任主人
He did the ~s of the table.他担任了餐桌的主人
a. (在学校中的) 优等
graduate with ~s以优等成绩毕业
b. [用单数]‘大学’优等课程c.‘英大学’优等学位
pass with honours (in﹍) 通过 (…的) 优等学位考试
8 [H; 用于对法官、市长等的尊称] 阁下
His [Your] H~ the Mayor.(美)市长阁下
9[~s]‘纸牌戏’尊牌, 最高王牌
(如桥牌 (bridge) 中的 ace, king, queen, knave, ten 五张)
10[the ~]‘高尔夫’击球优先权
be on one's honor to do = be (in) honor bound todo以名誉担保一定要… [非…不可]
do honor to a person=do a person honor
(1) 对某人表示敬意, 以礼待人
(2) < 善行等> 予人荣誉, 使人受到尊敬 for the honor of﹍
(1) 为了…的信用
(2) 为了…的名誉
give a person one's word of honor以名誉向某人担保
honor bright [用于断定时] (口语)以人格担保, 发誓, 一定
in honor of﹍向…表示敬意, 祝贺…, 纪念…
A bust has been erected in ~ of the great composer.为纪念这位伟大的作典家建造了一座半身像
They gave a dinner in ~ of the illustrious visit?.他们设宴招待那位著名的访客
put a person on his honor使< 某人> 以其名誉发誓
the honors of war给予投降者的恩典(准其带武器、旗帜等)
to a person's honor带给某人荣誉, 增加某人的光彩
It was greatly to his ~ that he refused the reward.他的辞谢报酬大大地提高了他的声誉
1 尊敬< 人>
Fear God and ~ the King [Queen].敬畏神, 尊敬国小女尸
2 a. 给与< 人> […的]名誉 [光荣] [with, by]
Will you ~ me with a dance?.可否赏光跳个舞 ?
Would you ~ us by sharing our dinner tonight?.今晚你是否肯赏光与我们一道用餐?
b. 给予< 某人> 名誉 [荣誉, 光彩]
3 给予< 某人> [荣誉奖、勋章、 官位等] [with]
~ a person with a medal授与某人奖章
4 < 人、银行等> 承兑 < 支票、汇票> , 如期支付, 领收…, 接受…:~ a check 承兑支票
The hotel ~s all major credit cards.这家旅馆接受主要的信用卡




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