

词汇 from
释义 from[(轻读)frəm; frəm; (重读)frɑm, frʌm; frɔm]介系词
1 由…, 从…
go ~ London to Paris从伦敦到巴黎
walk home ~ the station从车站走路回家
fall ~ the sky从天空落下
hang ~ the ceiling自天花板垂吊而下
Come down ~ that tree at once!.立刻从那棵树上下来!
He turned away ~ her.他把背转过来避开她; 他不理睬她
The bee moved ~ flower to flower.蜜蜂徘徊于花朵间
→ from DOOR to door, from HOUSE to house, from HAND to hand, from MOUTH to mouth.
(cf. to prep. A 1 a, 5 a, till prep. 1, until prep. 1] )
~ early this morning从今天一大早起
~ childhood [a child]自幼; 从童年起
~ the (very) first从最初 [最早]
~ now on今后
~ then [that time] on从那时以后
The Rocky Mountains extend ~ the United States into Canada.洛矶山脉从美国延伸至加拿大
How far is it ~ here to the station?.从这里到火车站多远?
work ~ morning to [till] night从早到晚工作
~ Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五
~ just after the war until the present time从战后到现在
Ten minutes ~ now we will go.从现在起过十分钟我们就出发
He will be on vacation ~ April 1 (onward).他将从四月一号起开始休假
3 从…
Count ~ 1 to 20.从一数到二十
The journey should take us ~ two to three hours.旅行将花掉两、三个小时
We have cheese(s) ~ $2 per pound.本店的乾酪是从一磅二美元起
4 从… (来看)
~ a child's point of view站在小孩子的立场来看
F~ the top of the hill [F~ where we stood] we could see the whole town.从山顶 [我们所站之处] 可以看见全城镇
The view ~ his house is beautiful.从他家望出去可看到一片美丽的景色
He lives up [down, across] the road ~ me.从我这边望去, 他住在道路的上方 [下方, 对面]
5 从… (离开)
absent [away] ~ home不在家
The town is 3 miles (away) ~ here.城镇离这里三哩
The house is back ~ the road.那房子远离道路
6 从… (除去)
If you take [subtract] 2 ~ 10, 8 remains. = 2 ~ 10 is [leaves] 8.十减去二是八
He took the knife (away) ~ the child.他从孩子那儿取走了刀
7 从…
release a person ~ prison从监狱释放某人
We are safe ~ the rain here.我们在这里淋不到雨
We were excused ~ homework.我们获准不用做功课
8 a. 从…
His friend saved him ~ the fire.他的朋友自大火中救出他
b. 抑制 [防止] …
refrain ~ laughing忍住笑
The rain prevented us ~ going there.雨使我们无法去那里
9 从…当中
Choose a book ~ (among) these.从这些书中挑选一本
10 与…, 和…
know [tell] black ~ white能辨别黑白 differ [be different] ~ ﹍ 与…不同
→ not know a person from ADAM.
11 从… (的)
a letter ~ Jim to his wife一封由吉姆寄给他妻子的信
We had a visit ~ our uncle yesterday.昨天伯父来探视我们
Tell him ~ me that he should have phoned me.请转告他说他应该打电话给我
12 从… (来, 取得) ; 从…的, 自…出身的, …产的
quotations ~ Shakespeare自莎士比亚作品引来的文句
draw a conclusion ~ the facts从事实引出结论
They obtained rock samples ~ the moon.他们从月球获得岩石的样品
A strange sound was heard ~ within.从里面听到 [传来] 奇怪的声音
I met a man ~ across the street.我遇到一位住在对街的人
" Where are you ~?" -" I'm ~ Florida." .“你是哪里人?”“我是佛罗里达人”
Where do you come ~?.你是哪里人?
These oranges come [are] ~ Spain.这些柳橙来自西班牙
13 从…, 以…, 用…
make wine ~ grapes用葡萄酿酒
14 从… (至…)
go ~ bad to worse从坏到更坏; 愈来愈坏; 每况愈下
He changed ~ a shy person into quite a politician.他从一个害羞的人转变为出色的政治家
F~ (being) boys they became men.他们从少年变为大人
This book has been translated ~ English into Chinese.这本书已从英文翻成中文
15 a. 基于…, 根据…
speak ~ notes [memory]看稿子演讲 [凭记忆而谈]
I know ~ experience that.﹍.我从经验中瞭解…
The cut on his face was ~ shaving.他脸上的伤是刮脸所造成的
act ~ a sense of duty基于责任感而行动
b. 从… (判断)
Judging ~ her looks, she seemed to be tired.从她的外表来判断, 她似乎很疲倦
16 以…为范例, 仿照…
Did you paint the picture ~ nature?.你这幅画是写生的吗?
17 为了…, …的结果
suffer ~ gout患痛风; 因痛风而受苦
die ~ a wound因伤而死
(cf. die v.i. 1b{用法})
F~ no fault of his own, he became bankrupt.他的破产不是本身犯错而造成的
as from
→ as
连接词 from off﹍
(文语)从…, 由… (from) from out (of﹍)
从…, 自…, 由… ﹍ week (s) [month (s) , year (s) ] from today [tomorrow, etc.]
从今天 [明天 (等) ] 开始过了…周 […月, …年] , …周 […月, …年] 后的今天 [明天 (等) ]
I'll see you three weeks [months] ~ tomorrow.明天起三周 [月] 后我将见到你
→ a WEEK from today.




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