

词汇 fret
释义 fret[frɛt; fret]《源自古英语“食尽”的意思》(fret.ted; fret.ting)及物动词
1 a. 使< 人> 烦躁, 使…烦恼
The noise ~s me.噪音使我烦躁
b. [~ oneself] [因某事而] 烦躁, 烦恼[about, over]
You need not ~ yourself about that.你不必为那件事自寻烦恼
c. 烦闷地度过 < 时间、生涯> < away, out>
Don't ~ away [out] your life.别在烦恼中过日子
2 < 风> 吹绉< 水面> , 使< 水面> 起波纹
3 < 锈、水等> 逐渐侵蚀…
1 a. 烦躁, 苦闷; < 婴儿> 哭闹, 磨人
He was fretting with impatience.他因不耐烦而烦躁不安
b. [因某事]苦闷, 烦恼 [about, over, at]
You had better not ~ about your mistakes.你最好不要为你的错误而烦恼
She is fretting at her son's idleness.她正为了儿子的游手好闲而担忧
2 < 水面> 起波纹
3 < 锈、水等> 腐蚀 fret, fuss and fume[对…]焦急发怒 [over, about]
[用单数]焦急; 烦恼
in a ~ = on the ~焦急, 烦闷




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