

词汇 range
释义 range[rendʒ; reindʒ]及物动词
1 排列< 人、物> , 使…成行 [on, in, along]
The teacher ~d his pupils along the curb.教师使学生沿著人行道旁的边石排队
I ~d the books on the shelf by [according to] size.我把书依大小顺序排在书架上
2 [~ oneself]加入 [一伙、党 (等) 之中] ; 袒护, 支持 [among, with, on] ; 站在 的一边[against]
They were ~d against the government [among [with] the rebels].他们站在与政府为敌的一边 [站在反叛者一边]
They ~d themselves on the side of law and order.他们站在法治一边
3 漫步 [徘徊] < 地区>
4 (美)在放牧区养 < 牛、马等>
1 < 山脉等> 绵亘; 伸展, 延及
The boundary ~s east and west.这条边界线由东延伸到西
2 位列, 位居[于…][with, among]
He ~s with [among] the greatest composers.他是最伟大作曲家之一
3 a. < 动植物> [从…]分布[到…][from][to]
This plant ~s from Canada to Mexico.这种植物分布于加拿大到墨西哥的一带
b. < 活动范围、话题等> 广达, 涉及, 及于
His studies ~ over several languages.他的研究涉及数种语言
There are two hundred boys ranging from seven to fourteen in age.有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩
4 a. < 价格等> [从…]变化[到…]; < 温度计等> [从…]升降[到…][from][to]
The temperature ~s from ten to thirty degrees.气温在十至三十度之间
(cf. 4 b)b. < 价格等> [在…和…之间] 变动; < 温度计等> [在…和…之间] 升降[between]
The temperature ~s between ten and thirty degrees.气温在十至三十度之间
(cf. 4 a)
5 < 枪、子弹> 射程达到< …>
These guns ~ seven miles.这些炮的射程是七哩
6 漫游, 徘徊[于…] [through, over]
Many animals ~d through the forests.许多动物漫游于森林中
1 (C)
a. 排, 行, 列, 连续
a long ~ of arches一长排的拱门
b. 山脉
a mountain ~ =a ~ of mountains (一列) 山脉
2 a. (U) (活动、知识、经验等所及的) 范围, 区域, 界限
beyond the ~ of human understanding超越人类理解的范围
within ~ of vision在看得到的范围之内
be out of one's ~某人所不能及的, 非自己知识范围之内的, 自己所无法知道的
b. [用单数] (动植物的) 分布 [繁殖] 区域c. (U) [又作 a ~] 音域; 视界d. [用单数] (变动的) 范围, 差距, 幅度
the ~ of a thermometer温度计升降的高低差距 [升降幅度]
the ~ of prices=the price ~价格的变动幅度
3 a. (U) (子弹、飞弹等的) 射程
within [out of] ~在射程内[外] (的)
b. (U) [又作 a ~] 射击距离, 弹著距离
at long [short, close] ~在远 [近] 距离
c. (C)靶场; 飞弹 [火箭] 发射场→ rifle range.
4 (C)(美) (大) 放牧区, 牧场
(cf. ranch 1)
a. (同种类的) 一套 (工具等) 物品b. (尤指从前的) (附有各种烹饪用具的) 炉灶c. (美) (瓦斯、电子、电) 炉




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