

词汇 ram
释义 ram[ræm; ræm]名词
1 (C) (未阉过的) 公羊
(→ sheep相关用语})
2 [the R~] ‘天文’白羊宫 (Aries)
3 = battering ram
4 (C)撞击机, 打桩机
5(C)自动抽水机; 活塞
及物动词(rammed; ram.ming)
1 a. 猛烈地撞击
The car ~med the pole.汽车猛烈地撞上了柱子
b. 将…撞[在…上] [against, at, on]
He rammed his head against the wall.他把头撞在墙壁上
He rammed his horse at the fence.他骑马冲向栅栏
2 a. 捣固, 捣硬 < 土等> < down, in>
~ down the soil把土捣硬
b. 将 < 土等> 捣硬成…
~ the soil flat把土捣平
c. 将 < 桩等> 打入[…中][into]
~ piles into the river bed把桩打入河床
3 (口语)将< 物> 塞入 [容器 (等) ] [into]
He rammed his clothes into the bag.他把衣服塞进袋子里
< 车辆等> (猛) 撞[在…上][into]
The car rammed into the pole.车子撞上柱子
ram ﹍ down a person's throat → throat ram ﹍ home
一再重复以使彻底明白< 理论等> ram ﹍ into a person's head
反覆地对某人灌输< 意见等>




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